Welcome to ``pylazaro``'s documentation! ============================================ What is ``pylazaro`` ******************** ``pylazaro`` is a Python library that automatically detects lexical borrowings (or loanwords) in Spanish text, particularly borrowings that come from English (a.k.a. anglicisms), such as `app`, `lawfare`, `fake news` or `machine learning`. Learn more about the motivation and the backstage of the project at :doc:`about`. Example ******* Here is a minimal example of how to install and use ``pylazaro``: .. code-block:: console $ pip install pylazaro >>> from pylazaro import Lazaro >>> tagger = Lazaro() >>> text = "Inteligencia artificial aplicada al sector del blockchain, la e-mobility y las smarts grids entre otros; favoreciendo las interacciones colaborativas." >>> result = tagger.analyze(text) >>> result.borrowings_to_tuple() [('blockchain', 'en'), ('e-mobility', 'en'), ('smarts grids', 'en')] >>> output.borrowings_to_dict() [{'borrowing': 'blockchain', 'language': 'en', 'start_pos': 6, 'end_pos': 7}, {'borrowing': 'e-mobility', 'language': 'en', 'start_pos': 9, 'end_pos': 10}, {'borrowing': 'smarts grids', 'language': 'en', 'start_pos': 12, 'end_pos': 14}] >>> result.tag_per_token() [('Inteligencia', 'O'), ('artificial', 'O'), ('aplicada', 'O'), ('al', 'O'), ('sector', 'O'), ('del', 'O'), ('blockchain', 'B-ENG'), (',', 'O'), ('la', 'O'), ('e-mobility', 'B-ENG'), ('y', 'O'), ('las', 'O'), ('smarts', 'B-ENG'), ('grids', 'I-ENG'), ('entre', 'O'), ('otros', 'O'), (';', 'O'), ('favoreciendo', 'O'), ('las', 'O'), ('interacciones', 'O'), ('colaborativas', 'O'), ('.', 'O')] Check out the :doc:`install` for further information on how to install ``pylazaro``. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents: install howto tagger output borrowing token about Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`